Category Archives: None

Visit to the Poblet Monestir

We went on 20th May 2014 to see our running system at the Monestir of Poblet. See how the STATE system is being used!

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The new Erasmus Intensive Program NUIT2B (Natural User Interface Technology to Business) will finish today, on 16th May, in Lahti, Finland. 25 students and 6 teachers from 5 universities have participated: Lahti University of Applied Sciences in Lahti (Finland), University … Continue reading

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We visited the University of Fribourg

We were at the University of Fribourg to show our work: affiche_colloque Castro-Bleda.

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Joan at the University of Fribourg

Joan Pastor is doing a research stay at the University of Fribourg with the DIVA research group (Document, Image and Voice Analysis), leaded by Rolf Ingold and Marcus Liwicki. He’s doing a great job!

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Seminar at the CVC-UAB

We were invited to give the seminar Artificial Neural Networks for Preprocessing and Recognizing Handwritten Text.

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Congratulations, Pako!

A new PhD in our team! Renato de Mori, president of the tribunal of the doctoral thesis defense, is congratulating the new PhD. Francisco Zamora Martínez has developed his research in the application of artificial neural networks for language modeling. … Continue reading

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At the “Encontres d’Arxivers”

Today, we have been at the “Encontres d’Arxivers: Compartint Experiènces”. Very interesting!

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Tuenti Programming Challenge 2

Joan was one of the 15 finalists. Good job!

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Congratulations, Andrés!

We have a new professor at HITITA. Andrés, you deserve it!

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