Grant available in a related project

An anouncement for a grant in a related project has just been posted. More information in the web or, by mail.

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Join us with a predoctoral research grant!

A predoctoral research grant is available to work in the HITITA project. It is an FPI grant from the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (MICINN). You can find some relevant info in the MICINN website, but you’d better contact our project leader in case you are interested in applying:

María José Castro Bleda
mcastro (at) dsic (dot) upv (dot) es
+34 963877351

And hurry up. Deadline is 21st February!

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Some moments in Avignon

The meetings were on Monday 6th December. The first talk, at the Laboratoire d’Informatique d’Avignon.

Afterwards, we visit the Université d’Avignon.

In the afternoon, more talks and demos.

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We keep on improving this site

A couple of new pages has been added to the HITITA web site:

Moreover, the page footer now shows our contact data: write to the project leader in case you want to contact us!

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Next STATE presentation, in Avignon

Juan Miguel Vilar and our project leader, María José Castro, will present STATE project results in Université d’Avignon, France, where a third project member, Salvador España, is currently working towards his Ph. D. The talk will be given in the Laboratoire d’Informatique d’Avignon next Monday at 9:30. Later, a meeting with historians will take place in order to discuss a possible collaboration.

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Some content added to this site

Yesterday, this site was just another WordPress blog. Now, it begins looking more personal in some sense… We have added some project info:

And we have customized  the page header with some images over an historical printed text:

  • A version of our transcription system, STATE, being used.
  • Our project leader along with a stone HITITA (the Spanish word for Hittite).
  • Some of the project members (Pako, where were you?).

Maybe the header will change, but I like this one:

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We are working on this web site

The HITITA project has been approved for public funding (thanks, Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación). It officially starts in 2011, but we are currently preparing its web site. And looking for interesting contacts! Next week, some members of the project team will go to Avignon to show our previous work and explain our plans for the future. And our project leader thinks it is worth beginning to build a web site for HITITA, so here we are.

We expect to add appropriate content to this site apace.

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