Tag Archives: meetings

At the “Encontres d’Arxivers”

Today, we have been at the “Encontres d’Arxivers: Compartint Experiènces”. Very interesting!

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We are at Zaragoza, in an Erasmus IP program

Greetings from Zaragoza! Some of us are enjoying this beautiful city (and working hard at the Erasmus IP course!)

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Some moments in Avignon

The meetings were on Monday 6th December. The first talk, at the Laboratoire d’Informatique d’Avignon. Afterwards, we visit the Université d’Avignon. In the afternoon, more talks and demos.

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Next STATE presentation, in Avignon

Juan Miguel Vilar and our project leader, María José Castro, will present STATE project results in Université d’Avignon, France, where a third project member, Salvador España, is currently working towards his Ph. D. The talk will be given in the … Continue reading

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