Elisabeth Casademont i Apel·les CAROD, TERMCAT, the Centre for Terminology in the Catalan language, Barcelona
The Committee on Legal Terminology and the web portal “Terminologia jurídica” (‘legal terminology’) have been created to develop tools and terminology resources in Catalan and contributing to ensuring access to justice in this language. Unfortunately, the use of Catalan in the Administration of justice is still limited and it must be promoted by institutions and using different means. Both the Committee and the website have been driven by TERMCAT with the support of institutions, professional entities and universities. The Committee on Legal Terminology is an established group of experts entrusted to promote the development of Catalan terminology in the legal field. Two different professional profiles were selected: on the one hand, experts in law, and, on the other, linguists and terminologists. Their joint efforts guarantee quality results. The Catalan Lawyer’s Council edits content for the website and is also a member of the Committee, providing legal knowledge and information about the use of legal terms. Terminologia jurídica is a public website that gathers a wide range of linguistic resources for users of legal terminology, such as legal professionals and translators.
Keywords: Catalan language; Committee on Legal Terminology; Catalan Lawyer’s Council; legal language; Terminologia jurídica website; TERMCAT; legal terminology