

The organizers wish to receive proposals from the professional and scientific communities on the following topics:

  • Justice and minorized languages. Theoretical approaches to justice and minorized languages; minorized languages in forensic linguistics; the relevance of legal translation theories for minorized languages.
  • Terminology and resources for less-resourced languages. Management of legal terminology in minorized languages; creating law-related linguistic resources for less-resourced languages; the translation of legal instruments and jurisprudence into minorized languages; the establishment of linguistic models for minorized languages in the administration of justice.
  • Ethnolinguistic democracies and cross-cultural law. Approaches to law and minorized languages; cross-cultural approaches in the development of international legal frameworks; translation in the development of legal systems and ethno-linguistic democracies; cross-cultural transactions in the legal field.
  • Multilingualism and access to justice. Translators and interpreters of minorized languages in the judicial system; the right to interpretation and translation for minorized languages in criminal proceedings; translation in developing policies for the management of multilingualism in public services, including access to justice; the management of minorized languages in the administration of justice (case and comparative studies).
  • Measures against glottophobia. Psychological basis and personal and social harms derived from glottophobia; analysis of glottophobic discourse in the law; policies and steps for the prevention of glottophobia in providing access to justice.
  • Natural translators and interpreters in providing access to the legal field to minorized language users. The role of natural translators and interpreters in policies for managing multilingualism; the relationship between natural and professional translators and interpreters; training natural translators and interpreters; protection of children acting as translators and interpreters between migrant communities and local authorities.
  • Role of translators and interpreters for minorized languages. The transactional nature of linguistic mediation in the legal field; overcoming the paradigm of translators and interpreters as conduits; case studies of translators’ and interpreters’ roles in legal settings.