The Scientific Committee

June 15th-17th, 2022

1st International Conference on the Right to Languages: 
Linguistic Policies and Translation and Interpreting 
in Public Services and Institutions

The role of the Scientific Committee is as follows:

  • To advise the CIDL Organizing Committee in all matters concerning research and the scientific content of proposals both on request and voluntarily;
  • To safeguard the scientific content of the CIDL Conference; and
  • To assess on the abstracts submitted for presentation at the CIDL Conference.


Dr. Gemma Barberà, Universitat Pompeu Fabra

Dr. Rafael Castelló, Universitat de València

Prof. Dr. Guglielmo Cevolin, Università degli Studi di Udine

Prof. Dr. Michael Cronin, Trinity College Dublin, the University of Dublin

Prof. Dr. Anne Delizée, Université de Mons

Dr. Vanessa Enriquez Raido, University of Auckland

Dr. Georgios Floros, University of Cyprus

Dr. Cristina Gelpí, Universitat Pompeu Fabra

Prof. Dr. Christine Michaux, Université de Mons

Dr. Fco. Javier Palao Gil, Universitat de València

Dr. David Ar Rouz, Université Rennes 2

Prof. Dr. José Santaemilia, Universitat de València

Prof. Dr. Kayoko Takeda, Rikkyo University