
Agreement CERN-UJI_IRSLab (2018-2031): Collaborative project with the European Center for Nuclear Research (CERN) for Robotics Interventions in radioactive scenarios.

H2020 El Peacetolero (2020-2024): Embedded Electronic solutions for Polymer Innovative Scanning Tools using Light Emitting devices for diagnostic Routines.

COOPERAMOS (2021-2024): COOPErative Resident robots for Autonomous ManipulatiOn Subsea

OPTIROV (2021-2023): OPTIcally-connected Hybrid Autonomous/Remotely Operated Vehicle

SIMBAAD (2020-2022): Remotely Controlling a team of unmanned marine vehicles (3 surface,1 underwater) to safely detect explosive mines at a distance.

TWINBOT (2018-2021): TWIN roBOTs for cooperative underwater intervention missions.

CIRTESU (2018-2021): Centro de Investigación en Robótica y TEcnologías SUbacuáticas (Research Center in Robotics and Underwater Technologies).

PROMETEO (2016-2019) : Image Compression for Underwater Wireless Communication, AI for Computer-based Grasping Determination, Teleoperation.

MERBOTS (2015-2017): Multifunctional coopERative marine roBOTs for Intervention DomainS

TRITON (2012-2015): Multisensory Based Underwater Intervention through Cooperative Marine Robots

EU FP7 TRIDENT: Marine Robots and Dexterous Manipulation for Enabling Autonomous Underwater Multipurpose Intervention Missions

RAUVI (2009-2011): Multipurpose Autonomous Handling System for Submarine Intervention Tasks

EU FP6 GUARDIANS: Group of unmanned assistant robots deployed in aggregative navigation supported by scent detection

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