Identity in the context of language variety

Seda Yusupova

In the modern world the identity is one of the actual and key concepts in studying the various fields of knowledge. Identity is defined as a feeling of belonging to a certain group and community, language, social, national, political.
Object of research: influence of language variety on identity formation
Methods: cognitive, semantic, comparative, sociolinguistic analysis
Results: In conditions of language variety and processes of globalization the knowledge of several languages has an impact on formation of identity. In a bilingual society the identity is marked by other culture and language that leads sometimes to transculturation which is reflected in various ways. In some cases – in formation of boundary philosophical, cultural, social, musical, literary outlook, in others – in the marginal behavior dispersing from culture, to ignorance of traditions, customs of the nation and non-compliance of them.
In language influence on this process it is possible to allocate the following parallels: the native language (minority language) – an official language of the country, the native language, official language and foreign languages. At such scenario the level of proficiency in language closely intertwines with full formation of ethnic, all-civil identity. The perfect knowledge of two and more languages broadens horizons of the language personality and promotes formation of both ethnic, and national identity, doesn’t destroy the mentality.
Conclusion. The formation of identity within the balanced language policy forms an undistorted ethnic mentality, prevents the marginal qualities and boundary state.

Keywords: identity, idioms, semantics.

YUSUPOVA SEDA MUSAEVNA, Ph.D., Associate Professor

2001-2008 – with honors a Bachelor’s and Master’s Degree in Linguistics at the Faculty of the English and German Languages​ of Pyatigorsk State Linguistic University. 2008-2011 – a post-graduate study at the Faculty of Foreign Languages​ and Area Studies of Lomonosov Moscow State University. 2011 – a PhD degree, topic “The semantic field “work” in phraseology (on the material of the English, German, Russian and Chechen languages)”. 

2009 – a lecturer at the Department of the Theory of Foreign Languages Teaching, Faculty of Foreign Languages and Area Studies of Lomonosov Moscow State University. 2012 – an associate professor of the Department of German Language, Faculty of Foreign Languages, Chechen State University. 2013-2019 – an associate professor of the Inter-Faculty Languages Department at Grozny State Oil Technical University. From 2019 to the present – a dean of the Faculty of Foreign Languages ​of Kadyrov Chechen State University. 2015-2016, 2019 – a winner of the grant for a research internship at the Free University of Berlin (Germany). From 2015 to 2018 – a participant of the international scientific project on the topic “Cross-linguistic research into derivational networks” (P.J. Safarik University, Slovakia, Sofia University, Bulgaria, University of Granada, Spain).

Participant of more than 20 Russian and international scientific conferences: “Lomonosov” (2008-2021, Moscow), “Languages. Cultures. Translation” (2013, Thessaloniki, Greece), “Semantics and Philosophy in Europe” (2014, Berlin, Germany), EUROPHRAS (2017, London, UK). The author of more than 50 scientific works. The field of research: phraseology, comparative linguistics, sociolinguistics, semantics, corpus linguistics.

The main publications:

  1. Dictionary-Thesaurus of Idioms about Work (on the material of the English, German, Russian and Chechen languages). Publishing House “Flinta. Science”, Moscow, 2014. 80 p. 
  2. “Semantics of idioms: comparative analysis (on the material of the English, German, Russian and Chechen languages)“ //Moscow University Publishing House, Moscow, 2016. 160 p. 
  3. «Psychosocial Health, Work and Language»/ «The linguistics of work values: comparative analysis». Springer International Publishing, 2017, pp.19-35. 
  4. «Derivational networks across languages» / «Derivational networks in Chechen». De Gruyter Mouton, 2020, pp.435-442. 

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