
Improving underwater cooperative manipulation through learning, augmented reality and wireless communications

Project Reference: PID2020-115332RB-C31

Coordinators: Pedro J Sanz

Funding: 175.087 €

Duration: 2021 – 2024 (36 months)

Financing institution: MINECO


COOPERAMOS project proposes to use a team of resident I-AUV’s to demonstrate collaborative assembly of complex structures underwater in an a priori unknown environment. A networking multimodal communication (VLC/RF/acoustics) architecture will be used to guarantee the vehicles coordination. A new MEMS laser scanner will provide 3D point clouds of the objects of interest which will be used by an object recognition architecture to identify and locate them for manipulation and semantic SLAM purposes. Images gathered from different vehicles of the fleet will be used to generate a detailed 3D map of the area of operation and for target localization too. COOPERAMOS will explore new AI techniques, focused on Mission Planning, and Learning Strategies applied to grasping, manipulation and sensing. Potential applications include oceanography (permanent observatories), offshore industry (oil & gas), fisheries, windfarms and nuclear industries Cooperamos

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