Call for Papers

June 15th-17th, 2022

1st International Conference on the Right to Languages: 
Linguistic Policies and Translation and Interpreting 
in Public Services and Institutions


The global landscape of language rights is constantly evolving, as are, necessarily, the language policies that govern the coexistence of different languages both explicitly and tacitly. Academia, but also societies and institutions, have become increasingly aware of the diversity that surrounds us, of how the linguistic needs of different communities diverge, and of the different opportunities that languages open and close to those who speak them.

The value of the advantages of expressing oneself and receiving messages in the language or languages in which one is most proficient underlies the design and implementation of language policies, but has not materialized in the recognition of a universal right. On the contrary, it continues to create hierarchies between languages, communities, and individuals. Language is a category of social stratification that enables access to the spheres in which we articulate social life. The capacity to organize such access is associated with the capital accrued by languages. When such capital is actively exercised, we see uninterrupted flows of translation and interpretation. In interstate negotiations, no resources are spared and the right to use the language that can afford a discursive advantage is not disputed. At the other extreme, individuals who migrate for economic, political, and ecological reasons face highly institutionalized and profoundly unfamiliar environments with no guarantee of understanding, let alone any negotiation advantage. Between both scenarios, a diverse panorama of situations opens up in which certain linguistic capitals linked to the structures that organize the distribution of resources and rights are invalidated or enthroned.

Particularly in the social sciences, although not exclusively, in recent decades we have witnessed the development of a transformative paradigm that places emphasis on social justice and human rights. Awareness of the possibilities of science to promote or transform injustices has opened new debates on ethical practices in the study of populations, in the communication of science and in the use and application of its possibilities. Given the critical nature of communication in increasingly extreme situations for individual lives and collective cooperation, it is urgent to reflect on the personal, institutional, and environmental advantages and disadvantages that fall on individuals and groups sharing social spaces, on the institutionalization of certain situations and on the resulting epistemic injustice. On the other hand, the complexity of the panorama offers opportunities of great interest for the intellectual development of forms of political, legal, and linguistic organization that can address imbalances, asymmetries, and injustices.

This conference seeks to articulate a forum to foreground the diversity of situations and solutions from multidisciplinary, interdisciplinary, and transdisciplinary perspectives. The congress wishes to become a call for sharing the visions brought by the different disciplines of political and legal science, translation, interpretation and communication studies, discursive and social work, but also from the fields of policy-making to bring to light problems and devise solutions.

The Organizing Committee of the 1st International Conference on the Right to Languages: Language Policies and Translation and Interpreting in Public Services and Institutions invites proposals for individual presentations, round tables, or posters of a theoretical, critical, methodological, empirical, practical or didactic nature on these and other topics related to national, cross-border, and international public services and institutions:

Effects of language policies on the hierarchy between languages, spoken and signed, between communities and between individuals; translation and interpretation as articulators of social justice in spoken and signed languages

Linguistic Justice

Language-based behavioral, verbal and environmental aggressions and microaggressions; models for the study and analysis of structures, contexts, and cases in physical and virtual environments

Linguistic Injustice

The integration of language rights (for spoken and signed languages) into national and international legal and political frameworks; language rights of communities and individuals in structural and circumstantial situations

Language Rights

Planning and integration of translation and interpretation in processes, plans, and projects; structural and circumstantial, institutionalized and crisis situations; prospects for sustainability and development; readiness models

Language Policies

Comparisons between minority languages in structural and conjunctural situations; territorial and subjective rights, models of coexistence, evolution of the linguistic panorama

Conjunctures and Structures

Intersections between inclusion policies and language policies; benefits of translation and interpretation in local and non-local languages; inclusive language designs, uses and effects; strategies and programs for literacy and fostering inclusive ideologies


Management models; language models; symmetry and asymmetry of uses from legal, political, and sociolinguistic perspectives; theoretical models; fields of application

Language Usage

Send your proposals

using this form

Please be aware that the registration form will only allow one proposal per ID.

The official languages of the conference are English, Catalan, Spanish, and International Sign. Parallel sessions grouped by language will be established in the program. The organization reserves the right to offer English-Catalan-English and IS-Catalan-IS simultaneous interpretation of selected presentations, depending on the needs.

Individual Presentations and Posters

To propose individual presentations and posters, please send a 300-word abstract (excluding references) using this form. You will receive an automatic confirmation message. Proposals will be evaluated before deciding whether to accept, propose changes or reject them.

20-minute presentations will be followed by 10 minutes of discussion. Posters will be available throughout the conference and will be discussed in specific sessions. Individual and poster presenters must register for the congress by April 1, 2022.


To propose a panel, please send a 500-word abstract (excluding references) using this form. The abstract should include the main idea of the panel and the points to be raised for discussion. A document with the name and institution of the participants, the title of their respective talks and a 300-word abstract (excluding references) for each of the presentations should be included along with the proposal. Those convening the panels may decide whether to include three or four contributions. The time allotted to each panel, however, will be 90 minutes regardless. With justified exceptions, contributions within the same panel must be presented in the same language.

All proposals will be evaluated before deciding whether to accept, propose changes, or reject them. Those convening the panel will be in charge of chairing it. Both the conveners and the speakers should register by April 1, 2022.

Publication of Contributions

The Organizing Committee invites speakers to submit the full article of their presentations to the journal published by the Chair of Linguistic Rights of the University of València. Special issues will be published with contributions along the same thematic axes.

Please send the text of your full article, in rtf, doc, docx or other compatible formats, to by July 15, 2022. The style sheet will be provided when accepting the proposals.


February 2025

Submission of proposals

Decisions sent to authors

Speaker registration

Registration for attendees

Submission of full papers

By February 1, 2022

By March 1, 2022

By April 1, 2022

By May 16, 2022

By July 15, 2022

Registration Fees

Before April 1

90 €

40 €

20 €

After April 1

120 €

60 €

30 €

Fees cover:

  • Attendance
  • Presentation certificate (for speakers)
  • Certificate of attendance
  • Conference documentation
  • Breaks
  • Simultaneous interpretation (English-Catalan-English) of selected sessions, if applicable
